Comprehensive Evaluation / Oral Examination
A thorough evaluation of your teeth and mouth will assess your current oral health and identify any concerns that may need to be addressed.
Preventive dentistry consists of treatments and procedures that maintain the health of your teeth. The goal of preventive dentistry is to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral and dental health problems. Twice yearly dental cleanings and exams are the main preventive dentistry services we offer.
Preventive dentistry offers many benefits:
A thorough evaluation of your teeth and mouth will assess your current oral health and identify any concerns that may need to be addressed.
A mouthguard can protect your teeth from damage while participating in sports and other activities. Custom mouthguards made by your dentist are comfortable and effective.
Home care is an extremely important part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums, but even excellent home care cannot prevent bacteria and plaque. If the plaque is not removed, it can harden, becoming calculus. We will recommend a periodontal maintenance program that is best for you based on how quickly you develop calculus and your past and current periodontal health.