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Innovations in Dental Technology

June 15, 2024
Innovations In Dental Technology Blog

Technology is ever-changing across all industries, and dentistry is no different. The use of technology has revolutionized dentistry, improving the level of care and the patient experience across all dental fields. 


Meadows Dental Associates of Sarasota strives to stay ahead by keeping up to date with current technology. We are constantly updating and upgrading our tools, equipment, software, and techniques to be able to provide the highest quality dental care for our patients. 

Technology We Offer

We are equipped with the following forms of technology: 

  • Dental lasers. Dental lasers make procedures more comfortable and less invasive, accelerating recovery times for patients. 
  • CBCT scanners. Cone beam scanners provide 3D images of the mouth for improved diagnostics and treatment planning. 
  • iTEro scanners. iTero digital scanners provide accurate images and impressions of the teeth. They also provide live video footage of the mouth that can be used to educate patients on their own dental health and treatment. 
  • Electronic apex locator. This digital device can be used to locate the apex of a tooth root without surgical entry. It aids in root canal therapy to ensure that the procedure is thorough and accurate. 
  • CAD/CAM software. Computer Aided Design and Milling is software that allows dentists to plan treatment and create dental prosthetics from digital images. 
  • Piezo electric handpieces. We have invested in Piezo electric tools that are ultra quiet, reducing vibrations and sounds to prevent anxiety and increase comfort. 
  • Digital X-Rays. Digital X-Rays use a fraction of the radiation required for traditional film X-Rays, making them safer and reducing exposure. 
  • TENS unit. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation delivers an electric current that interrupts pain signals in the nerves, which reduces pain without needles or medication. 
  • Prophy Jet polisher. The latest technology in dental cleaning tools, the Prophy Jet polisher removes plaque and calculus from the teeth without scraping for a more comfortable dental cleaning. 
  • Electronic medical records. We keep secure, encrypted electronic medical records for easy access during appointments and ultimate protection of our patients’ personal information. 
  • Wi-Fi. Our office is equipped with Wi-Fi for staff and patient use. 

Benefits of Technology in Dentistry 

The benefits of technology in dentistry are infinite, but the top advantages include: 

  • Improved comfort. Say goodbye to dental anxiety. With the latest technological advancements, dental treatment is more comfortable than ever before. 
  • Advanced diagnostics. With the most advanced diagnostic equipment we can detect problems in the earliest stages and provide immediate treatment. 
  • Better treatment outcomes. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment results in better outcomes for patients and increased survival rates for oral cancer. 
  • Faster recovery. Technology makes procedures less invasive, allowing patients to recover more quickly and experience less down time. 
  • Convenience. One of the biggest benefits of any type of technology is convenience. Our dental technology streamlines patient care, making appointments shorter and your time in our office as brief as possible. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Technology 

How does technology affect the cost of dental care?

The use of advanced technology does not increase the cost of dental care for patients. Rates for services remain comparable. The improvements in care that come from dental technology can even reduce dental care costs. 

What are the potential pitfalls of outdated dental equipment? 

Dental practices that use outdated equipment are doing a disservice to their patients. They may miss diagnoses that could be life threatening, make mistakes during procedures, or cause unnecessary pain or stress that could have been avoided. 


Learn More About How Technology Can Improve Your Dental Experience 

If you want to experience the benefits of advanced technology in dentistry, call Meadows Dental Associates of Sarasota today at 941-377-3659 or contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Meadows Dental Associates of Sarasota

4987 Ringwood Meadow